Student Information

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Preparing Students for Careers

十大网赌正规网址官网区PF就业计划为符合条件的学生提供在退伍军人拥有的企业兼职工作的机会. 公共伙伴雇主是寻求盈利并向付费客户提供商品和服务的企业. 这些职位弥合了课堂和现实世界经验之间的差距, develop your career and academic interests, and may make you more marketable upon college graduation.


  • have the opportunity to gain relevant career experience
  • may acquire additional clarity on your career choice
  • 将看到一个本地企业如何运作和融入社区提供服务或产品
  • 在找工作或实习时,能否与专业人士取得联系
  • 你的简历会包含与你的学习领域相关的工作经历吗
  • improve your job prospects after graduation

PF employment is available to students in all majors, 虽然可能并不总是有与每个专业相关的职位.

Applying for a PF position is a competitive process. 雇主正在寻找有工作经验或完成相关课程的学生, as well as students who are doing well academically, so GPA can be important.

To determine if you are ELIGIBLE and TO APPLY, see the FAQs below.


How do I become ELIGIBLE for a PF job?
  • To begin working during the spring 2022 semester, 你必须在春季至少注册6个学时,并承诺在2022年夏季注册6个学时
  • 要在2022年夏季开始工作,你必须注册至少六个学时的大学课程
  • Have a 2.0+ GPA
  • You cannot be eligible for college federal work-study
How do I see the PF jobs available?
  1. Go to (ACES login required)
  2. Click on Work-Study and Internship Opportunities, under Position Type select Private Fellows and review the postings that end in PF
  3. Select up to two positions that interest you. 职位必须与你的学习领域(专业)一致。
How do I APPLY for a PF job?

1. Submit a Student Employment Application (between March 28 and June 16, 2022)

Click on:

  • Student Employment
  • Part-time Job Opportunities
  • 招聘职位:学生大使/社区项目(职位代码: 51213)

2. Create or reformat your resume in this required format: PF Resume 2022

3. 为你选择的每个职位写一封求职信 required format: PF Cover Letter 2022

4. 将您的简历和求职信(以WORD文档的形式)以及您的非正式成绩单(证明您的入学和GPA)发送至, in one email.

5. 一旦你的简历和求职信被审阅和编辑, they will be sent to the employers you selected.

6. 当你的简历和求职信发送给雇主时,你会收到通知.

7. 雇主在看完你的简历和求职信后会直接联系你安排面试. It is the employer’s discretion to offer an interview.

8. Upon interviewing and accepting a position, you will go through the Alamo HR hiring process, in which a background check must be completed.

9. 一旦HR流程完成,你和雇主都会收到正式的入职日期.

How is PF different from other student employment programs?
  • 只有43个职位存在,这往往使它们竞争激烈. 完成相关课程,工作经验和GPA是重要的考虑因素.
  • 工作礼仪,专业和适当的着装.
  • 雇主依靠你的可靠性和定期工作时间表的一致性.
What is the PF Calendar?

一旦Alamo Payroll设定了正式的开始日期,PF学生就可以开始工作,每周最多可以工作15个小时,持续12周. To begin work in spring 2022, 您必须在2022年春季注册六个小时,并承诺在2022年夏季注册六个小时. 要在夏季开始工作,你必须在夏季注册六个小时. 

What is my commitment and how will I be paid?

When you accept a PF job, 您承诺在雇主那里工作12周或180小时,并且在您的工作期间必须在6小时内注册. 你将在上班的第一天与你的主管确定你的每周工作安排. 雇主必须适应你的课程安排.






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